Tuesday, September 24, 2019

[photoshop-beginners] 15 Google Web Fonts That You Can Use For Free In Your Websites

Hi guys,

Halloween is one of my favorite holiday because it's such a great opportunity for going wild with creative design.

As I manage several websites I've always been fascinated by the amount of free web fonts that you can use in websites. However, I find that selecting the right fonts is always tricky and difficult because there are so many.

So, for this Halloween I thought I'd make a little bit of research and see what Google Web fonts you could use in a website page for Halloween. Here's the list of 15 fonts I came up with and the preview of how they look:

View the full list: http://bit.ly/2mw103J

Free Halloween Fonts For Web

Let me know if you like these!




Posted by: johnny.php@gmail.com

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