Keith, was definately t/b considered. Others have mentioned editing programs, I am using Adobe Elements 6&8. But do have Photoshop CS5 installed (only learning it so far) - the CAXMP file folder seems to have arrived around time I installed CS5. Coincidental?
, teller of teddybear tales
Photos By TrisheBear
My Silent Testimony To the Stubborn Endurance
Ultimate Beauty in Life.
From: Keith E. <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 1:51 PM
Subject: Re: [photoshop-beginners] Delete XMP Files?
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 1:51 PM
Subject: Re: [photoshop-beginners] Delete XMP Files?
I'm not a gamer either, but it wouldn't surprise me if one used 15k
files. It was a possibility to consider, that's all.
On Tue, 17 Jul 2012 09:53:46 -0700 (PDT), trish satkofsky
<> wrote:
>No 'game files' were in computer that I knew of, but who knows, they could have come w/computer. Not being a 'game' person, I may have never known of them, and deleted 'game files' - but would there have been 15,000 xmp? Trish
>trishebear, teller of teddybear tales
>Photos By TrisheBear
>My Silent Testimony To the Stubborn Endurance
>Ultimate Beauty in Life.
>From: Keith E. <>
>Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 12:22 PM
>Subject: Re: [photoshop-beginners] Delete XMP Files?
>A quick search shows the .xmp extension is also used by the game
>Unreal II, where is stands for eXpanded MultiPlayer. So, you could
>just have deleted game files in Recycle Bin. Just something to
>keep in mind.
>On Tue, 17 Jul 2012 10:48:37 -0500, "Clay Swatzell"
><> wrote:
>>I'm sure someone has already said this but if the photos that the xmp files correspond to are gone there is no problem. If the file exists still and you did some processing the only thing that is lost is the changes/edits/metadata to the original. The file will not be damaged. . If it were me I would just empty the recycle bin. If you 'needed' the xmp files in the recycle bin you would have known it by now.
>>From: [] On Behalf Of trish satkofsky
>>Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 10:17 AM
>>Subject: Re: [photoshop-beginners] Delete XMP Files?
>>Greg, that might work. Except the images are no longer in Recycle, only the XMP files! Did I goof really badly by deleteing them from Recycle and leaving only XMP files in recycle? Thanx for your imput, Trish
>>trishebear <> , teller of teddybear tales
>>Photos By TrisheBear
>>My Silent Testimony To the Stubborn Endurance
>>Ultimate Beauty in Life.
>>From: "" <>
>>To: "" <>
>>Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 11:04 AM
>>Subject: Re: [photoshop-beginners] Delete XMP Files?
>>The Image file name should...Should be a part of the file name...
>>GJG_001.NEF would have a GJG_001.XMP file with it.
>>If you sort the recycle bin by file name they should match up with deleted files image files.
>>Any that do not match need to be restored to the folders they came from.
>>Greg Groess
>> <Plug-in for PS and PSE Curves>
>>No virus found in this message.
>>Checked by AVG -
>>Version: 2012.0.2197 / Virus Database: 2437/5135 - Release Date: 07/16/12
Keith E.
Excrementum casus
files. It was a possibility to consider, that's all.
On Tue, 17 Jul 2012 09:53:46 -0700 (PDT), trish satkofsky
<> wrote:
>No 'game files' were in computer that I knew of, but who knows, they could have come w/computer. Not being a 'game' person, I may have never known of them, and deleted 'game files' - but would there have been 15,000 xmp? Trish
>trishebear, teller of teddybear tales
>Photos By TrisheBear
>My Silent Testimony To the Stubborn Endurance
>Ultimate Beauty in Life.
>From: Keith E. <>
>Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 12:22 PM
>Subject: Re: [photoshop-beginners] Delete XMP Files?
>A quick search shows the .xmp extension is also used by the game
>Unreal II, where is stands for eXpanded MultiPlayer. So, you could
>just have deleted game files in Recycle Bin. Just something to
>keep in mind.
>On Tue, 17 Jul 2012 10:48:37 -0500, "Clay Swatzell"
><> wrote:
>>I'm sure someone has already said this but if the photos that the xmp files correspond to are gone there is no problem. If the file exists still and you did some processing the only thing that is lost is the changes/edits/metadata to the original. The file will not be damaged. . If it were me I would just empty the recycle bin. If you 'needed' the xmp files in the recycle bin you would have known it by now.
>>From: [] On Behalf Of trish satkofsky
>>Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 10:17 AM
>>Subject: Re: [photoshop-beginners] Delete XMP Files?
>>Greg, that might work. Except the images are no longer in Recycle, only the XMP files! Did I goof really badly by deleteing them from Recycle and leaving only XMP files in recycle? Thanx for your imput, Trish
>>trishebear <> , teller of teddybear tales
>>Photos By TrisheBear
>>My Silent Testimony To the Stubborn Endurance
>>Ultimate Beauty in Life.
>>From: "" <>
>>To: "" <>
>>Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 11:04 AM
>>Subject: Re: [photoshop-beginners] Delete XMP Files?
>>The Image file name should...Should be a part of the file name...
>>GJG_001.NEF would have a GJG_001.XMP file with it.
>>If you sort the recycle bin by file name they should match up with deleted files image files.
>>Any that do not match need to be restored to the folders they came from.
>>Greg Groess
>> <Plug-in for PS and PSE Curves>
>>No virus found in this message.
>>Checked by AVG -
>>Version: 2012.0.2197 / Virus Database: 2437/5135 - Release Date: 07/16/12
Keith E.
Excrementum casus
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